Hurry up, the time is now! Put that pen to the page... polish up a work-in-progress or write something new. Then send it off! SOS ~ kg
Finish this sentence: “I never thought I’d. . .” Have you ever taken a huge, surprising risk? Did you climb a mountain? Go back to school? Get married (again)? Write about it, and you could have your essay published in Real Simple; win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors; and receive a prize of $3,000. Deadline: September 24, 2010.
Memoir's Ink Yearly Contest
Memoirs Ink is looking for original, well-written personal essays, memoirs, or stories that are based on autobiographical experiences. The narrative must be in first person, other than that, the contest is open to any type, genre or style of story. First Prize: $1000. Second prize: $500. Third prize: $250. All winners are published are on The entry fee is $15.
Deadline: August 14, 2010 (postmark) Late Deadline: August 31, 2010 (Postmark - Late entries require additional $5 entry fee per entry).
Own Your Story's "Cringe Story Contest"
Own Your Story is compiling *cringe* stories for a major new anthology. Think of that moment in your life when, to recall it, even for an instant, electrifies you with a physical, cringing sensation. It could be cheating on a test, stealing from a friend, having an affair, slapping a child, or turning your back on someone in dire need. Submit your cringe story! Deadline: October 1, 2010.
The Rattling Wall
The Rattling Wall is a new journal accepting sophisticated short fiction, travel essays, and poetry; edited by Michelle Meyering and sponsored by PEN USA. The entry fee is $10. See submission guidelines. Deadline: November 1, 2010.
She Writes Passion Project
The first ever She Writes Passion Project is a writing contest open to an emerging author and member of She Writes who has a non-fiction book project in the works.The winner will be selected on the basis of the merit of her entry, which consists of a cover letter and a 2,000-word excerpt. She will receive thorough and supportive consultations from a team of experts which are designed to help her prepare a complete proposal for submission to agents or publishers. Deadline: August 1, 2010.
Expressing Motherhood
Submissions for Expressing Motherhood will open up on August 1st for the next Los Angeles show, slated for January 2011. If you are a mom and interested in being considered, now is the time to get your creative juices flowing and put pen to paper what it is that you are thinking or feeling in regards to motherhood. See submission guidelines. Deadline: September 15, 2010.
Links of Interest: March 5, 2025
3 days ago
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