The City of Santa Monica, Cultural Affairs Division, seeks applications from writers living in Los Angeles County for a residency at the Annenberg Community Beach House in Santa Monica. The Artist Residency offers a large private office in the historic Marion Davies Guest House for ten weeks to complete a work in progress.
The Residency begins Monday, January 16, 2012 and concludes Monday, March 26, 2012 for a total of 10 weeks. As an acknowledgment of the public benefit of the Resident to the community, an honorarium of $1500 is offered. Application Deadline: Friday, November 4th, 2011 @ 5 p.m. For questions about the Residency, please leave a message for Naomi Okuyama, Cultural Affairs Coordinator at 310-310-0187 or email
I created this blog as a place to share the story-bits that catch my attention, as much to log them for myself as to pass them along to you. It is meant to be useful, stimulating and informative. To learn more about my story consulting and workshops, visit: